Proper addressing - Postal address code

Proper addressing

Proper addressing ensures safe delivery.

Properly indicated information on the address side of the postal item.

Proper addressing implies entering accurate address data in the correct order.

The key element in proper addressing is providing the Postal Address Code (PAK), as an integral part of the address of each citizen and legal entity at the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

The sender shall, on the address side of the postal item, provide the following information one below the other:

  • title, name and surname, or name of the recipient;
  • street and number, sub-number, apartment number (or PO box number; or name and number of military post office; or “poste restante” mark);
  • name of the settlement (destination); postal number and name of the destination post office;
  • postal address code (PAK).

For postal items addressed to “poste restante”, PO box or military post office, the sender is under no obligation to provide the postal address code (PAK) of the destination post office.

Instructions for proper addressing and preparation of postal items for submission to the Post

Examples of properly addressed postal items

Pismo - Naselje sa dodeljenim nazivima ulica

Settlement with assigned street names

Pismo - Naselje sa dodeljenim nazivima ulica

Settlement without assigned street names

Pismo - Poštanski pregradak

PO Box

Post-ekspres pošiljka

Post Express item

Paketska pošiljka

Parcel item

Međunarodna pošiljka

International postal item

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