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Winners of the Post’s “100 successful business women” competition announced


Winners of the Post’s “100 successful business women” competition announced

The Post of Serbia announced the winners of the national prize competition "100 successful business women" at a ceremony held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.



With "Independence" Union about the work of RWU "Kosovo and Metohija"

Acting Director of PE Post of Serbia, Zoran Anđelković, met today with representatives of the Trade Union “Independence”, employees of the Regional Working Unit "Kosovo and Metohija".

Delegation of the Post of Serbia visiting Poste Srpske


Delegation of the Post of Serbia visiting Poste Srpske

A delegation of the Post of Serbia led by the Acting Director, Zoran Anđelković, was on a return visit to Poste Srpske.


PE Post of Serbia and CCIS on the continuation of AI based cooperation


PE Post of Serbia and CCIS on the continuation of AI based cooperation

During the meeting between Zoran Anđelković, Acting Director of PE Post of Serbia, and Marko Čadež, President of CCIS, it was stated that PE Post of Serbia and the Centre for Digital Transformation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) plan to continue their cooperation in the coming period, especially in the field of digitalization of postal services with the help of modern CCIS services based on artificial intelligence.

Ambassador of Japan Imamura’s visit to the Post


Ambassador of Japan Imamura’s visit to the Post

Ambassador of Japan to Serbia Akira Imamura visited the Post of Serbia. The Acting Director of the Post of Serbia, Zoran Anđelković, discussed with Ambassador Imamura plans for the modernization of postal sorting centres and processes, as well as opportunities for expanding business cooperation with Japanese companies, among which is the company Toshiba with which the Post of Serbia already cooperates.