Based on the data of the geographic information system, it is possible to perform different spatial analyses.
The Post of Serbia has developed the services based on Geographic Information System (GIS).
With the aim of improvement of territorial accessibility of postal services, rationalization of transport and delivery of consignments, the Post is continuously developing the Geographic Information System – GIS.
In this area we offer the users a range of services.
Delivery of Data on the Spatial Position of the Home Number
Based on the quality address database of mailboxes of postal service users, the Post has mapped about 1,160,000 house numbers in all major cities in Serbia.
For the purpose of arranging the mailboxes of postal service users, a database of all households, as well as a database of all legal entities in Serbia has been formed, and we offer the following services to the users of GIS services: Delivery of data on the number of households at the level of home number and Delivery of data on the number of legal persons on the level of home number.
With every spatial position of a home number, the Post can also provide information on the number of households and the number of legal entities as additional information.
List of settlements with number of mapped buildings and number of households
Delivery of Data on the Spatial Position of PAK
The Post has mapped the spatial positions of PAKs throughout Serbia. The PAK polygon includes a set of buildings belonging to a part of one street.
The Post has georeferenced over 113,000 PAKs, and their positions on the map can be seen within the PAK Search.
Services Delivering of data on the number of households at the PAK level and Delivering of data on the number of legal entities at the PAK level enable users, with each PAK polygon, in addition to the range of house numbers it covers, to obtain information on the number of households and the number of legal entities.
Delivery of Data on the Spatial Position of Streets
The post office has mapped (positioned on the map) the complete street network of Serbia, i.e. about 104,000 kilometers of streets and roads.
Length of streets and roads by municipalities
Generating alphanumeric data based on the spatial position of a home number and Generating alphanumeric data based on the spatial position of PAK are services that involve different analyses over spatial data of the Post or data provided by the users themselves.
The Post also has a Service of Recording and Maintainance of Address Data, which allows any user data that has an address component to be positioned on the map.
The benefits of using GIS services
Based on the data of the geographic information system, it is possible to perform different analyses:
analyses of territorial availability of facilities and users; planning of distribution of advertising materials; route planning; generating an address list by zones; housing density analysis in order to plan the capacity of infrastructure; selection of the most favorable location to open new facilities, etc.