Export of commercial goods, with simplified customs procedures.
Post of Serbia created services for your successful business.
Do you want to start your own small business? Do you have a website or are you planning to mediate in online commerce? Do you have a product that you want to export overseas?
For you we have designed Post Export – Export of Goods service.
Send commercial goods with the total value of 1,000 EUR per invoice, from any post office, at the most favorable prices.
Save on financial and human resources, as well as on time necessary for customs pocedures.
NEW! You export items of small weight and value? Now even better prices for items up to 500 grams that contain up to four articles.
Check out why exporters praise us.
How to become a user of the Post Export service?
- Make a contract with the Post of Serbia;
- Pack your goods in one or more parcels;
- Submit your goods at the counter of your nearest post office with only two accompaying documents: two copies of the invoice and an “Export Customs Declaration (CP-72)” form. For the needs of our customs authorities, it is necessary that one invoice is in Serbian language, and the other in the language used in the destination country;
- Track your goods via website of the Post of Serbia, by calling 0800 100 808 without charges or 0700 100 300 at the price of a local call;
- Payments are made once a month;
- After verification of the CP-72 form by the customs, you shall receive a valid document certifying that the goods were exported, which you may use for the accounting purposes.
Export of goods of preferential origin
Post Export - Export of Goods service allows for the export of goods of preferential origin. Preferential origin brings certain privileges for goods subject to foreign trade between countries that have such an agreement, and it is usually reflected in import with a reduced rate of customs duties or duty free.
For further information about Post Export - Export of Goods service, as well as about concluding a contract, visit our specialized offices.
Send more parcels up to the amount of 1,000 EUR
If the recipient is the same, only one invoice (in two copies), which includes all goods contained in two or more parcels, is needed. A detailed list of items is submitted for each individual parcel, on the “Export Customs Declaration (CP-72)” which follows the parcels to its final destination.
For the goods whose value exceeds 1,000 EUR
If the value of the goods you wish to send to one recipient exceeds 1,000 EUR, you can split it into two or more parcels, whereby the value of one or more parcels per invoice does not exceed 1,000 EUR.
Prohibited items
The list of forbidden and conditionally accepted articles for import or transit through a specific country
List of countries where you can send items