M bag - Service Description

M bag

For sending up to 30 kg of printed material to the same recipient abroad.

A larger quantity of printed matter sent by the same sender to the same recipient.

M bag is a letterpost item in international postal traffic that contains a larger amount of printed matter items, which is sent by the same sender to the same recipient.

M bag cannot weigh less than 2 kg or more than 30 kg.

Name of the recipient must be indicated on the address label made out of cardboard or other appropriate material – dimensions: 90 x 140 mm. On each wrapping, placed in separate bags, the address of the recipient must be indicated in the same manner as on the address label. The sender is obliged to allow the post office employee to inspect the content of the bag.

Examples of proper addressing

Delivery standards for priority letterpost items

What is forbidden to send in postal items?

Postal items must not contain: dangerous and harmful substances, objects whose transfer threatens the health and life of humans and other postal items, narcotics, except when the addressee and the sender are authorized by law for drug trafficking; live animals, money, coins, banknotes, other securities, precious metals and valuable pieces of jewellery, except in insured postal items, and other goods and object the transfer of which is prohibited by law and other regulations.

Letterpost Items not subject to Customs Clearance

The list of forbidden and conditionally accepted articles for import or transit through a specific country.

List of countries where you can send items.

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