Cash out-payment with payment cards at POS terminals - Service Description

Cash out-payment with payment cards at POS terminals

The Post of Serbia does not provide services of bill payment with payment cards. All transactions are treated as cash out-payment.

Cash withdrawals with payment cards for the purposes of paying bills in post offices.

“Payment with payment cards” is not performed in post offices, as this is only possible within the trade network. Therefore, all transactions are treated as “Cash out-payment with payment cards”. Customers are provided to use the money (partially or entirely) immediately to pay the bills. Whether or in which manner such transaction will be charged with the commission depends on the bank which issued the payment card and its pricelist.


  • Cash out-payment – with Dina, VISA and MasterCard/Maestro payment cards;
  • The Post does not charge the customers with the commission for this service;
  • The bank which issued the payment card can charge fees based on its pricelist.

Please inform yourselves about such fees and charges with the bank which is the issuer your card.

List of authorized post offices for providing the service

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