Parcel is a closed item with or without indicated value, which contains goods and other objects. The sum of its length and perimeter measured across the widest point may not exceed 300 cm, and the largest dimension may not exceed 150 cm. Parcels may weigh up to 31.5 kg. Parcels weighing over 20 kg can be sent from certain post offices only or from the customer’s business premises according to agreed conditions.
Parcel address label
A parcel address label is a form that is filled in when posting the parcel in domestic traffic. The address label accompanies every parcel and contains all basic information about the sender and recipient, as well as the weight and required special services. The parcel in international traffic is accompanied by the dispatch note and customs declaration.
The term philately means collecting, keeping, studying and exhibiting postage stamps, units and other philatelic objects.
PO Box
PO Box represents a certain place at the post office used for a delivery of postal items to customers who have chosen such a way of delivery.
Post Export – Export of goods
Post Export service - export of goods is a postal service in international traffic, which the Post provides to legal entities and entrepreneurs in all post offices in Serbia.
Post Express
Post Express is the courier service of the Post, which enables customers with the fastest and safest transfer and delivery of postal items within the prescribed and guaranteed time limits.
The posting of Post Express items is organized as follows:
- via courier service in over 100 cities, at the addressed chosen by the customer, by calling the unique telephone numbers 011 3607 607 and 0800 100 808;
- by submitting items at counters of certain post offices throughout Serbia.
Postage stamp is a postal paper of value, i.e. a means of payment for postal services.
Postage stamp
Posebni uslovi za obavljanje poštanskih usluga su uslovi poštanskog operatora usaglašeni sa zakonom i međunarodnim standardima. Javno su objavljeni.
Postal address code (PAK)
The Postal Address Code (PAK) is a six-digit number denoting the part of the street where the postman goes to deliver the postal item to the recipient and it determines the delivery location more precisely that when only the postal number is entered.
Postal forwarding services (Post-šped)
Postal forwarding services enable simple and easy customs clearance procedure in import and export of postal items subject to customs and foreign currency control. Postal forwarding services have outposts in Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad.
Postal item with a return receipt
Postal item with a return receipt is an item for which the sender, after its delivery, receives a document "Return receipt", containing information about the delivery date and the signature of the recipient.
Postal item with confirmed delivery
A postal item with a confirmed delivery is an item for which the postal service provider issues a certificate of posting to the sender, and which is delivered to the recipient with the confirmation of reception.
Postal item with indicated value
Postal item with indicated value is an insured letter, Post Express item or parcel on which the sender indicated the value of the content.
Postal item with paid reply
Postal item with paid reply is a service intended for legal entities that send their catalogues, brochures, questionnaires, surveys and other advertising material to a large number of different addresses waiting for replies. The postage for paid replies is not paid by the sender, but by the recipient - a legal entity, in accordance with the concluded contract. In order to use this service, a legal entity should open a PO Box, in one of the delivery post offices, where the paid replies will be received.
Postal item with personal delivery to the recipient
A postal item with a personal delivery to the recipient is a special service that involves the delivery of the item exclusively to the recipient or guardian.
Postal items
Postal items are letterpost items, parcels, money orders and other items with indicated address or which marked in some other way that undoubtedly identifies the recipient.
Postal mailbox
Postal mailbox is a mailbox which customers can use to send unregistered letterpost items, for the provider of postal services to deliver them to the recipients.
Postal money order
This is a service that allows a legal or natural entity to send money to the recipient (natural entity) at any address in Serbia.
Postal network
The postal network consists of postal network units and resources that the postal operator uses for the provision of postal services.
Postal network unit (post office)
The postal network unit (post office) is the place where postal services are performed. The postal network unit of the public postal operator must be defined by the name and postal code.
Postal number
Postal number is a code made of numbers, which stands for or is added to the name of the postal network unit. The same postal number cannot be given to two or more post offices. Postal number is a part of an address. Postal number consists of five numbers, whereby each number has a certain meaning.
Postal operator
Postal operator is a domestic or foreign entity, who is a direct provider of postal services.
Postal seal
The postal seal is a means of operating for all post offices. The shape, size, method of production and material, as well as the data contained therein, are determined by the Technical Conditions. Each post office has at least one seal, which is used for stamping, i.e. marking of postal items, inpayment and outpayment documents, as well as postal and account papers. The seal is the engraved with the number and name of the post office, letter mark, and in the middle of the seal there are numerical marks denoting the day, month, year, and time of use.
Seals can be regular, commemorative, mechanical, terminal, etc.
Postal service user
A postal service user is a legal or natural entity who uses postal services, sender or recipient.
Postal services
Postal services are services including reception, transfer (processing and transport) and delivery of postal items.
Postcard is a postal item without envelope that can weigh up to 20 g. The smallest dimensions of a postcard are 90x140mm, whereas the largest ones are 120x235mm.
"Post-restant" is a label indicating that the postal item is not delivered to the home address of the recipient, but that it is intended to be delivered to him in the post office. The label "Post-restant" has to be marked in the address, on the address side. These items are kept at the destination post office up to 30 days.
Pricelist for postal services
Pricelist for postal services is the list of prices for postal services, according to which the provider of postal services charges the services.
Provider of postal services
Provider of postal services is an entity authorized to perform postal services according to the Law.
Public postal operator
The public postal operator is a provider of postal services with the obligation to provide universal postal service and an exclusive right to perform reserved services.