On the occasion of the religious holiday of Ramadan Bayram, on Monday, March 31, 2025, in the area of Novi Pazar and Tutin, the following post offices will be closed: 36303 Novi Pazar 3 (AVNOJA 71), 36318 Novi Pazar (Rifata Burdževića 304A), 36324 Novi Pazar (Aleksandra Đukića 24), 36327 Novi Pazar (Save Kovačevića 98), 36328 Tutin (Omladinska 13), 36306 Lukare (Lukarsko Goševo 99), 36308 Ivanča (Dubrovacka 271A), 36307 Delimeđe (Delimeđe 32), 36309 Ribariće (Ribariće 89), 36317 Mur (Mur nn), 36321 Crkvine (Crkvine 24), 36323 Leskova (Leskova 13).
Five post offices in the area of Novi Pazar, Tutin and Sjenica will work with customers during working hours planned for Saturdays, namely: 36300 Novi Pazar 1, Dvadesetosmog novembra 55 (from 8 am to 3 pm), 36302 Novi Pazar 2, Veljka Vlahovića 1 (from 9 am to 2:30 pm), 36316 Novi Pazar 5, Kej skopskih žrtava 10Đ (from 7 am to 2 pm), 36310 Sjenica, Rifata Burdžovića Trše 11 (from 8 am to 3 pm), 36320 Tutin, Draga, Draga 171 (from 9 am to 4 pm).
In Preševo, the separate corporate post office counter 17523 Preševo 1, at Vase Smajevića 6, will be closed, while the post offices in the Bujanovac municipality – 17522 Biljača, Biljača nn, and 17528 Veliki Trnovac, Veliki Trnovac nn, will operate according to reduced working hours, from 8 am to 10 am.