Info - Service information

Due to works on the electricity network, today from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the post office 11126 Belgrade in 14 Nikola Grulovića Street will stop operating temporarily.

The users have at their disposal the nearest post office 11052 Belgrade 56, which is located at 516 Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra Street.

Based on the Decree (Official Gazette of RS no. 48/2022), the sale of charity stamp “Red Cross Week” started on May 08, 2022 and it will last until May 15, 2022.

Charity stamp costs 10.00 RSD.

Post office 11126 Belgrade 56 at Nikola Grulović Street no. 14, will not work on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, in the period from 8.30 am to 5 pm, due to works on the electricity network. The nearest post office 11052 Beograd 141 in Bulevar kralja Aleksandra no. 516ž is available to users.

During May Day holiday, from 1st till 3rd May 2022, the on-duty post offices in Belgrade and other towns and cities will be working, as well as the post offices at the border and administrative crossings.

Every day of the holiday, the Main Post Office in Takovska Street No.2 in Belgrade, the post office at Nikola Tesla Airport and post offices at border and administrative crossings will be open non-stop, as usual. The post offices in shopping centres in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Sremska Mitrovica and Šabac, as well as post offices in Univerexport facilities in Belgrade, Novi Sad and surroundings, Zrenjanin and Sombor, will also be open.

On Monday, May 2, the post offices in bigger towns and touristic centres will be on duty, while on Tuesday, May 3, 68 post offices will be working in the whole country.

The list of post offices on duty, with their working hours, is available here.

Post office 11122 Belgrade 110 at Slobodana Jovanovića Street no. 2, will not work on Thursday, April 28, 2022, in the period from 8.30 am to 2 pm, due to works on the electricity network. The nearest post office 11162 Beograd 18 in Višnjička Street no. 110b is available to users.