Post of Serbia – Consumers’ Favourite!
Organized by the Association “Moja Srbija” with the support of the City of Belgrade, for the first time, the “Consumers’ Favourite” awards were given to favourite brands on the Serbian market, with the PE Post of Serbia receiving the most votes in the “Transport of goods and passengers” category.
There were 1,500 brands in 30 categories competing for the award. The most famous brands that can be found on the Serbian market have been nominated, regardless of their origin or the origin of the company which owns them. Using the “face to face” method, 1,750 citizens participated in the final voting that was organized on the territory of Serbia in March and April, in compliance with all epidemiological measures.
“Consumers’ Favourite” awards are given solely on the basis of consumer votes. The principle is based on ten years of experience in organizing the “My Choice” action, during which undivided trust was created, both in consumers and companies that were involved in the said action.