New Collective Agreement signed for PE Post of Serbia
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has approved a new Collective Agreement for the Public Enterprise "Post of Serbia", which further improves the material position and working status of employees of the Post of Serbia.
The Collective Agreement was signed by the Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Mr. Dejan Ristić, the Acting Director of the Public Enterprise "Post of Serbia", Mr. Zoran Anđelković, and representatives of the representative Trade Unions “PTT Serbia” and “Worker” of the Post of Serbia, in the presence of the Minister of Economy, Mrs. Adriana Mesarović.
After signing the Collective Agreement, Minister Mr. Ristić stated: "In addition to preserving all existing and acquired rights of employees of the Public Enterprise "Post of Serbia", the new Collective Agreement brings several improvements. The most significant innovations are, in addition to the previously agreed increase in salaries of 8% envisioned for the public sector, the introduction of the institution of payment of assistance to employees in order to alleviate the unfavourable financial situation in proportion to the time spent at work, the creation of conditions for further improvement of the financial and working status of support staff, cashiers and technicians in the administration who were omitted from the process of salary increase in previous iterations. Within the scope of delivery jobs, a new position of mailperson-delivery worker is being introduced, for which, due to the complexity of the work, a higher salary coefficient is envisaged compared to mailperson and delivery worker."
The Minister also pointed out that the Collective Agreement stipulates that the final payment of salaries to employees is made by the 15th of the month. An annual preventive health check-up is also stipulated for all employees.
"On this occasion, I would like to express my special gratitude and respect to the leaders of all trade union organizations in the PE "Post of Serbia", as well as to the managers of this Public Enterprise, for the exceptional commitment, constructiveness and responsibility that they have demonstrated over the past months in the long and dynamic process of transparent and inclusive discussions that we have had," emphasized Minister Ristić.
The text of the new Collective Agreement was previously agreed upon by the management of the PE Post of Serbia and representatives of the representative Trade Unions “PTT Serbia” and “Worker” of the Post of Serbia.