Post of Serbia - No one will be forgotten even in the most remote village


Anđelković & Krkobabić: No one will be forgotten even in remotest villages

On the initiative of the Acting Director of the Post of Serbia, Zoran Anđelković, today a meeting was held with the Minister of Rural Welfare, Milan Krkobabić. The goal of the meeting was to help elderly and single households in rural areas.

"The Ministry will enable the procurement of multifunctional vehicles. What are those? Those are mobile stores with all necessary groceries and goods. At the same time, they are ATMs and counters for providing all services - postal, but also local administration services. Everything in one place and accessible to everyone," Minister Krkobabić said.

Director of PE Post of Serbia, Zoran Anđelković expressed his readiness for the Post of Serbia to use these vehicles, to enable the provision of all the aforementioned services, and together with the Ministry to assess the real needs and demands of elderly households in rural areas.

"Post is present in 4,700 villages, even in the most remote and distant parts of the country, and this would be a way to help those people and make everything they need available to them, from daily necessities to friendly conversation", Anđelković said, adding that that the vehicle will visit the villages according to the established timetable i.e. driving schedule.

The meeting discussed the planned services, which include regular visits to the elderly, delivery of medicines and basic necessities, help with household chores and organization of social activities in places where there are usually not even grocery stores. Today's meeting in the Palace of Serbia is another step to bring the state closer to the inhabitants of the villages.

At the meeting, it was agreed that this pilot project will be launched during the next quarter in a local self-government units, selected on the basis of precise criteria.

On behalf of the Post of Serbia, the meeting was attended by Executive Director and Head of Director’s Office Vladimir Šarić, Executive Director Miloš Đurić, Deputy Director of the Services Function Ferid Hamidović, Deputy Director of the Postal Network Function Jugoslav Ristić and Personal Assistant to the Director Tijana Rajković.

Together with the Minister, the Ministry for Rural Welfare was represented by the Secretary of the Ministry, Snežana Petrović, and Assistant Ministers Siniša Perić, PhD, Tijana Nešić and Bojan Bogdanov.