Post of Serbia - Renovated Post Office Merdare 18445


Renovated Post Office Merdare 18445

Zoran Anđelković, Acting Director of the Post of Serbia, visited the renovated Post Office 18445 Merdare with his colleagues and tested the provision of new services.

In the Post Office Merdare, new services, exchange operations and the Post's parcel machine, have been made available, and the infrastructure has been improved in order to respond to the growing demands of customers after the closure of branches in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

"Post Office Merdare will be open every day in order to enable our people from Kosovo and Metohija to perform all important tasks, including pension withdrawal, exchange operations, sending and receiving of letters," Anđelković pointed out.

In order to ensure uninterrupted access to important services for citizens from KiM, the Post Office Merdare will be open six days a week. "This initiative is a response to the fascist attack by Kurti's police squadron on our offices and the work ban. As long as the current regime in Priština is in force, we will try to provide our citizens with better functioning and access to necessary services. Our task is to find a way for our citizens who live in Kosovo and Metohija to remain unharmed, as well as all other citizens who need our services. Therefore, we have upgraded the Post Office Merdare to be a branch providing all services needed, with the addition of exchange operations," Anđelković said.

What is new is that the Post Office 18445 Merdare will be open six days a week. In addition to the receipt and delivery of postal items and Post Express items, it provides payment and withdrawal services, international money transfers Western Union, RIA, MoneyGram, and the key innovation is the introduction of exchange operation services and Post’s parcel machine, which allows customers to collect their postal items at any time. 

Igor Popović, Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, attended the opening of the Post Office Merdare in order to support PE Post of Serbia in providing regular postal services to the citizens of Kosovo and Metohija.

"We will provide technical conditions and legal assistance so that our people in Kosovo and Metohija have access to regular postal services, respecting basic human rights to communication," said Popović.

He emphasized that the right to written communication with family and friends is a basic human right according to international standards. Popović pointed out that even prisoners of war during the Second World War did not lose their right to postal services.

"We will protect postal workers in the north of Kosovo and Metohija from the unilateral actions of the Priština regime and provide them with legal assistance," emphasized Popović, who criticized Priština's attempts to create a ghetto for Serbian citizens in Kosovo and Metohija and promised that the Office would do everything to prevent that from happening. Popović also pointed out that postal services will be provided even in difficult conditions and that the Office will not only protect the employees of the Post of Serbia, but also preserve their work.