Post of Serbia - Anđelković strongly condemned latest provocations by Pristina institutions


Anđelković strongly condemned latest provocations by Pristina institutions

Albin Kurti's police raided nine branches of the Post of Serbia in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija - Lešak, Zubin Potok, Leposavić, Sočanica, Banjska, Zvečan, Kosovska Mitrovica 1, Kosovska Mitrovica 2 and Kosovska Mitrovica 3, which continued the systematic terror of Serbian majority population in these municipalities.

They detained the Director of the “Kosovo and Metohija” Working Unit, Ivan Milojević, and his associates, with the order that they all report back tomorrow for an additional hearing.

Kurti's regime has been carrying out terror against the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija for a long time as a comprehensive plan of various methods of pressure, threats and blackmail, with the aim of intimidating the Serbian population - yesterday in the Kosovo Pomoravlje, today in all four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, by incursion with long firearms and with the support of the Quinte countries. A new unprecedented terror against the Serbian people, individuals and business entities that are of interest to the life of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, along with the previous cancellation of dinar and payment transactions, previous attacks on the Postal Savings Bank and now on the Post of Serbia, on the Serbian people and all that represents the backbone of an even slightly normal life for Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.

This is the latest in a series of unilateral actions that violate the agreements reached within the Dialogue and prevent the process of normalization of relations. They not only do not want to form the Association of Serbian Municipalities and help the Serbian people live normally, but they defy all agreements with violence and long firearms. The goal is clearly deliberate and calculated, aimed at provoking a renewed war conflict and also directly contradicts the Action Plan agreed in the Dialogue back in 2015, which foresees that the issue of postal services will be resolved at a later stage of the Dialogue. All these acts aim at further pressure exertion, expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the Serbian people from their centuries-old homes.

After speaking with the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, and the Director of the "Kosovo and Metohija" Working Unit, Ivan Milojević, I can point out that if our branches are closed, we will take all the necessary steps and find ways to continue to be at the service to our people and help our population in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as take care of the social status of our 256 employees and their families.

As this act represents, we repeat, the most brutal violence, a violation of international and basic human rights, endangering the safety of employees and customers, we appeal to all international institutions to stand firmly in the way of this new mindlessness.

The Post of Serbia, as a public institution of importance for citizens in Kosovo and Metohija, provides services in accordance with all applicable regulations and will remain committed to providing quality services, despite these attacks. This event causes great concern among the Serbian people and requires urgent attention and action by the International Community in order to protect and preserve peace in the region.

Zoran Anđelković, Acting Director of PE Post of Serbia, Belgrade