Post of Serbia - With "Independence" Union about the work of RWU "Kosovo and Metohija"


With "Independence" Union about the work of RWU "Kosovo and Metohija"

Acting Director of PE Post of Serbia, Zoran Anđelković, met today with representatives of the Trade Union “Independence”, employees of the Regional Working Unit "Kosovo and Metohija".

Union representatives informed the Director of the Enterprise about the most important issues and presented proposals that could contribute to better working conditions and the preservation of jobs in this working unit. Opinions were also exchanged about the way of functioning in difficult conditions, especially due to the cancellation of the dinar and the ban on the arrival of goods, and therefore mail and any parcels from central Serbia to Kosovo and Metohija.

The Director discussed with union representatives about every place in Kosovo and Metohija where the Serbian people live, as well as the importance of mailpersons for every citizen of Serbian nationality. "The Post of Serbia firmly stands behind its employees and we will make joint efforts to improve their safety, as well as their financial position. We will jointly coordinate all activities in constant daily communication", Anđelković said.