Post of Serbia - Zoran Anđelković held the first meeting with the trade unions


Zoran Anđelković held the first meeting with the trade unions

Acting Director of the Post of Serbia, Zoran Anđelković, held the first meeting with representatives of the PTT Serbia union, the Worker union, the PE PTT Independence union, the Independent postal workers' union and the Solidarity union. This important meeting marked a new beginning in communication and cooperation between management and unions operating within the Enterprise.

Anđelković emphasized the importance of the payment of the first part of the salary from the profit, as a prelude to the further implementation of previous agreements with the unions and further activities aimed at improving the financial status of employees and improving working conditions.

The representatives of the trade unions expressed their satisfaction that already at the first meeting a concrete step was taken towards solving the issues that are important for the employees. They emphasized that they expect this positive practice to continue and that constructive cooperation with the new Director will contribute to a better future for the Post of Serbia.

Such meetings will be organized at least once a month in working units throughout Serbia as well, where not only trade union issues but also the status of employees will be discussed.