Post of Serbia - Zoran Đorđević at 2nd Look up conference on the work and plans of the Post


Zoran Đorđević at 2nd Look up conference on the work and plans of the Post

Zoran Đorđević, Acting Director of the Post of Serbia, spoke at the panel of the conference "Look Up 2" about the plans of the Enterprise on the topic of "greening" the business, and among other things, answered the question about the payment of profits and confirmed that the Post of Serbia made the payment of part of the realized profit from 2022 to the budget of the Republic of Serbia from its own funds and without borrowing, in the amount of 1.224 billion dinars.

"Post of Serbia is a public enterprise 100% owned by the state of Serbia and for these reasons it pays 50% of its profit to its owner, i.e. to the budget of the Republic of Serbia. In 2022, a net profit of 3 billion dinars was achieved; in 2021, it was 3.3 billion dinars, while the profit for ten months of the current business year amounts to 4.1 billion dinars. In 2021, all debts of the Post of Serbia were paid, and to this day, it has absolutely no debts. Investments, which from 2017 to 2021 were around one billion dinars on an annual level, amounted to more than 3 billion dinars in 2022 and 2023", said Đorđević, recalling that the Post of Serbia ranked 39th on the list of companies with the highest net profit in 2022 on the list of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, and ranked among the five public enterprises with the highest operating income.

"Upon becoming the head of the Post, and after an extensive analysis of the business operations and results, we came to the conclusion that our Working Unit for electronic communications "Post Net", considering the strong market competition, recorded losses year after year and that the costs significantly exceeded the income that it was generating. Given that it was not the Enterprise’s primary activity, in 2021 it was decided that PostNet's equipment would be sold to Telekom Srbija. Focused primarily on services from our primary activity, we launched a series of new projects and developed services that respond to the growth of the digital market and e-commerce, enabling postal and financial services from customers' homes - Mobile mailperson and smart system for postal items, eArchiving for businesses, eNotary and eWallet projects for which licenses have been obtained. In order to automate the delivery of postal items, we have introduced 420 public Post’s Parcel Machines, the network of which we will expand with the planned 800 more machines throughout the country, and start the introduction of personalized smart mailboxes for private and collective housing", stated Đorđević.

He also said that in parallel with the development of new services, the network of the Post of Serbia was also developed, which was enriched with 2,500 new delivery vehicles, bicycles, mopeds, vans and trucks, delivery vehicles for hilly and mountainous terrain, as well as electric vehicles and electric mopeds, and that employees’ salaries were increased for the third year in a row. Employees also received the so-called thirteenth salary, were provided with 24-hour insurance, complete annual systematic health examinations and overall better working conditions.

"Despite all the criticism and untruths that are being spread about the Post, these are the only correct data. We will continue to see that the Post becomes increasingly dominant in the market and the quality of services is already better; therefore, both our employees and our customers are more satisfied. All changes and development always take a lot of time, but if you take into account everything I said, we have made a lot of progress and succeeded, first of all thanks to the vast majority of the Post’s employees, to whom I would like to especially thank”, Đorđević concluded at the end.