Post of Serbia - Appreciation Award of the Association of Writers presented to the Post


Appreciation Award of the Association of Writers presented to the Post

At the traditional Saint Sava Academy of the Association of Writers of Serbia (UKS), the Public Enterprise Post of Serbia was presented with the Appreciation Award Blagodarje - the highest form of recognition for its contribution to the work of this association.

The Academy, held in the ceremonial hall of the UKS, was opened by Miloš Janković, the president of the Association's Board of Directors, who, after a rich cultural and artistic programme, presented the winners with awards that are given for their permanent contribution to the reputation and development of this Association, as well as for their outstanding contribution to fostering the spirit of Serbian national and artisticliterature and the preservation of tradition and folk customs between the two Saint Sava holidays.

On behalf of the Post of Serbia, Blagodarje was received by the representative of the Post of Serbia, Marija Matić, who thanked the Association of Writers of Serbia for this prestigious award.

Among the awardees are, in addition to His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Mr. Porfirije, Radoman Kanjevac, Dušica Ivanović, Violeta Dimitrić, Mića Milenković, Gvozden Nikolić, Igor Trifunović, Rada Komazec, Vladimir Nedeljković, Jovan Jovanović, Mladen Vesković, Ljuban Karan and Dr. Ugrin Popović, who spoke a sermon about Saint Sava.