Accurately written or printed on the postal item, Postal Address Code (PAK) is the key to its fast and accurate forwarding.
Postal Network Function
Delivery Organization Dept.
PAK Office
Takovska 2, 11120 Belgrade, PAK: 135403
011 3718 190011 3718 228
Related Services and Information
Find PAK
Find the postal address code for every address in Serbia.
Find a Post Office
Find your nearest post office.
Proper Addressing
Proper addressing, safe delivery.
List of prohibited articles
For import or transit through a specific country.
Customer Service
Contact us and ask a question.
PostPak – COD Parcel for the Region
Send a COD parcel in the region, pay with cash on delivery.
Sending Parcels Abroad
From your nearest post office, at affordable prices.
Post Express – Courier Service of the Post of Serbia
Fast and safe receipt and delivery of items all over Serbia.
EMS (Express Mail Service)
Transfer of items for business clients to over 60 countries.